With a figure modeled after Mae West and a voice like Helen Kane, it wasn't long before the 'toon beauty boop-oop-a-dooped her way into the hearts of millions. Today, Betty Boop--the flapper with a heart of gold and barely-there wardrobe--is a worldwide icon. See some of her first and most famous cartoons, including Musical Mountaineers, Poor Cinderella, and You're Not Built That Way--42 cartoons in all--in this ultimate, 2-Disc Collector's Edition set! FEATURING 42 CLASSIC CARTOONS: Be Human; Betty Boop and Grampy; Betty Boop and Little Jimmy; Betty Boop and the Little King; Betty Boop's Rise to Fame; Betty in Blunderland; Happy You and Merry Me; House Cleaning Blues; The Impractical Joker; Musical Mountaineers; Not Now; Stop That Noise; Swat the Fly; Baby Be Good; Betty Boop with Henry, the Funniest Living American; Betty Boop's Crazy Invention; Candid Candidate; Ding Dong Doggie; The Hot Air Salesman; Is My Palm Read; Judge for a Day; A Language All My Own; A Little Soap and Water; Rhythm on the Reservation; Training Pigeons; We Did It; Betty Boop's Ker-Choo; Grampy's Indoor Outing; Little Nobody; Making Friends; Making Stars; More Pep; My Friend the Monkey; No! No! A Thousand Times No!!; Poor Cinderella; Pudgy Picks a Fight; Pudgy Takes a Bow Wow; The Scared Crows; So Does an Automobile; A Song a Day; Taking the Blame; You're Not Built That Way Lead Safe, Kid Safe
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